During this time of Giving Thanks, Chait Chiropractic Center would like to extend a heartfelt Thank You to all our loyal patients. Because of you, we will be celebrating our 37th year of helping you to live active and painfree lives while we are promoting Healthy Longevity. Remember it is far easier to stay healthy than it is to regain lost health. In order to prevent spinal degeneration and pain from developing, keep your body in good health with regular Chiropractic adjustments.
Dr. Chait has been helping people through Chiropractic care since 1986 in the Sarasota and surrounding areas of Bradenton, Englewood, Venice and North Port.
At Chait Chiropractic Center we realize that it’s hard to find a doctor that you connect with who provides excellent quality care for your health. We pride ourselves in delivering the highest level of service, and we treat patients with the most advanced care available. In short, we feel that a doctor should treat patients with a caring and giving attitude, as if they are a member of the family. Call us at 941-371-1070 to schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. John Chait.