Chiropractic is the science, philosophy and art of restoring balance within the body. It is a drugless, knife-less, natural and holistic approach to relieve pain, restore health and even prolong life.
Your Master System
The science of chiropractic is based on the fact that your nervous system is the master system that controls and coordinates every other system in your body including the glandular, reproductive, digestive, respiratory, circulatory and immune systems. The nervous system is the mechanism by which life energy is transported and conveyed throughout your body.
Chiropractic seeks to find and correct the malposition and abnormal motion of vertebrae within the spinal column in order to remove nervous system interference. Dr. Chait uses a combination of traditional chiropractic with the science of CBP, which analyzes the posture, which is the key to the proper correction and treatment
Science and Chiropractic
Just as other medical professionals do, doctors of chiropractic use state-of-the-art methods of diagnosis including consultation; orthopedic, neurological and physical examination; radiographic examination (X-rays) and other scanning technologies when needed. Your doctor of chiropractic is also trained to identify indications of disease and will consult and refer to other specialists or recommend additional medical procedures to provide optimal care. Because of philosophical differences, many myths have circulated about chiropractic; however, chiropractic is scientific and studies continue to confirm that chiropractic is successful not only for back pain but for many health complaints.
Chiropractic Philosophy and Art
We recognize that doctors do not heal, but rather true healing comes from within you and is totally under the control of an internal force called innate. From our present research and understanding, the quantity and quality of this innate life energy is transmitted and expressed through the nervous system. The purpose of chiropractic adjustment is to reduce interference within the nervous system, thereby facilitating the body’s ability to heal itself. The art of chiropractic refers to the techniques used to free nervous system interference. It begins with a sensitive, highly skilled hands-on evaluation of the patient’s spinal column. Through their hands, chiropractors look for misplaced or fixated vertebrae, which may be affecting nerves that travel through, and out of, the spinal cord into the muscles, organs, tissues and cells of your body. Once located, the primary method of treatment is the vertebral adjustment, an art utilizing a specific force in a precise direction to return spinal bones to their normal position and motion.
Therapy Methods
An adjustment is often combined with other natural therapeutic methods to facilitate healing. This may include any of the following: Heat, cold, light, massage, electrical stimulation, ultrasound, laser, movement and exercise and ancient techniques such as acupuncture, yoga, meditation and visualization. Hundreds of techniques exist within the chiropractic profession; the key is that they all get results. Chiropractic is any technique used to free innate without interfering with the body’s wisdom. Your total health and well-being can be greatly enhanced by chiropractic, a natural approach to the alleviation of disease