Dr. Chait is unavailable Friday June 7th through Friday June 14th.
In need of pain relief call our massage therapist Rita at 860-859-7043.

Can My Work Posture Be Causing My Back Pain?

Many of our patients are subjected to hours upon hours of less than favorable ergonomic postures at work.  Many of them sit at their desk, drive for long hours, or engage in repetitive tasks that cause stress and strain.

Prolonged stress to any body part or joint can create instability, stress, muscle tightness, nerve irritation and may lead to pain and decreased body function.

Many people do not realize the importance of spinal and extremity alignment and do not understand the direct connection of why they are in pain.  For example: your job consists of sitting at a desk doing clerical work.  For example a person may work an 8 hour day spending 98 percent of that time sitting at their desk.  This may lead to episodes of chronic lower back and hip pain that can reoccur every couple of months. 

Schedule an appointment with Chait Chiropractic Center for a complimentary posture analysis and consultation.  Dr. Chait has been helping people in the Sarasota area for over 30 years.  Call today 941-371-1070 to see how regular chiropractic adjustments can help you.