Dr. Chait is unavailable Friday June 7th through Friday June 14th.
In need of pain relief call our massage therapist Rita at 860-859-7043.

Check out just a few of our 5 star google reviews!

Dr. Chait is a great chiropractor who really has helped with my neck and shoulder pain! He gave me the tools to work on it at home as well as the adjustments and traction proven to heal these types of things. I highly recommend him.


Great people. Make you feel good. They work very well with patients and have helped me tremendously with my range of motion.  Improved my golf game.
Five stars, but I give them 10 stars 😁


Awesome people and therapies.


I recently injured my knee at an exercise class. Dr. Chait not only was able to get me out of pain, he rehabbed my knee so that I could get back to exercising.


I suffered from debilitating vertigo for 2 months until I began treatment from Dr. Chait. It’s the only relief I’ve found that has worked!


I’ve been going to Dr. Chait’s practice for the past several years. He has helped me immensely with my neck and back issues. Last week I went in with a lot of pain in my lower back. My pain level was at a 5 out of 10. As soon as Dr. Chait adjusted me, I felt much better and my pain went from a 5 to a 1. I was truly surprised about that level of improvement.  Highly recommend practice!


Schedule an appointment with Chait Chiropractic Center to see how chiropractic care may improve your life!