Dr. Chait is unavailable Friday June 7th through Friday June 14th.
In need of pain relief call our massage therapist Rita at 860-859-7043.

Chronic Back Pain?

One  of the most obvious signs that you need to see a Chiropractor is if you are experiencing painful chronic back pain. Symptoms of chronic pain can include shooting or burning pain, tightness, stiffness as well as fatigue, sleeplessness, and that feeling of discomfort.  There are multiple factors that can contribute to back pain, such as posture, how long you’re on your feet each day, and the type of work that you do. The best solution is to not let your back pain become chronic. Treat it early to prevent more serious problems developing in the future.

A chiropractic doctor may provide you with pain relief without the need for invasive surgery or narcotics.  Call Chait Chiropractic Center to schedule a complimentary posture analysis and consultation.