Dr. Chait is unavailable Friday June 7th through Friday June 14th.
In need of pain relief call our massage therapist Rita at 860-859-7043.

Flu Season Is Here!

The Flu and cold season has arrived.  Many people around you maybe coming down with an viral illness.  We all know that during flu season it is important to wash your hands frequently, get lots of sleep, stay hydrated and strengthen your imune system.

A New York study found that chiropractic patients were found to have a 200% greater immune competence than those people who had not received chiropractic care. Spinal adjustments have been shown to boost immune function because they serve to correct the spinal misalignments that cause neural dysfunction. These misalignments can stress the body, which may lead to a weakened immune system, which may lower your bodies defense against a cold or flu virus.

We may not be able to completely prevent illness, but there are certainly ways that you may lessen the severity or duration of the sickness.  If you would like to learn more about using chiropractic to combat the flu, please call

Chait Chiropractic Center at (941)371-1070.  We are here to help!