Neck pain can be more than a minor annoyance. This type of pain can disrupt everyday activities and make easy life chores seem difficult. Cervical subluxations (Neck vertebral misalignments) are one of the primary causes of neck pain. Chronic pain, stiffness, and even headaches can result from cervical subluxations.
Subluxations can occur due to a variety of reasons, such as:
- poor posture
- physical trauma
- repetitive stress
- degenerative changes associated with aging
Localized pain, reduced range of motion, muscular stiffness, and headaches are some of the common symptoms. Some people may experience referred pain, tingling, and numbness in their extremities as a result of nerve compression.
It is important to take cervical neck pain seriously, because it may lead to more complicating problems if not tended to.
Call Chait Chiropractic Center at 941-371-1070 if you have neck pain or headaches often or if you frequently take pain relieving medications. Remember these 5 dangerous words: MAYBE IT WILL GO AWAY!