Along with the adjustments and exercise, the CBP Doctor of Chiropractic will use spinal remodeling, or traction, to gently allow the misaligned areas of the body to return to their normal position. This is done by using prescribed amounts of pressure and time to bring the body part to the opposite of the abnormal posture. There are various tools and devises that are used to traction. Traction is determined on an individual basis and traction will be adjusted as you progress through your treatment plan.
Dr. John Chait at Chait Chiropractic Center has been trained in Chiropractic Biophysics. He looks forward to meeting you and helping you return to your best spinal and overall health.
Call us to get started today! (941) 371-1070
Chait Chiropractic Center
4221 Bee Ridge Rd Sarasota, FL 34233