Dr. Chait is unavailable Friday June 7th through Friday June 14th.
In need of pain relief call our massage therapist Rita at 860-859-7043.

I cleaned my entire house without a break because of back pain or fatigue!

My symptoms came on insidiously through lifting my baby girl and my physically demanding job as a physical therapist. When I came in to see Dr. John, I could not turn my head to the left. I had severe pain in my neck and my upper and low back with activity. After one month of treatment my symptoms are 90% better. I have no neck pain now and my back and thoracic pain is minimal. Since beginning consistent chiropractic treatment to correct my spine, I believe my posture is better and I have more energy. I am so glad that I found Dr. Chait. He has helped me tremendously. My husband noticed that I do not complain of back pain anymore. I realized the other day that I cleaned my entire house without a break because of back pain or fatigue!

